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Our Surgical Technologies
Stryker Mako
Meet our surgeons
Dr. Robert Avino
About Us
Visits: 172

Our family of nurses, doctors, staff and volunteers at Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center are dedicated to providing expert, compassionate care for families. We’ve been caring for you and your loved ones, in this great community of ours, for many years. So this is our home too.

Caring, nurturing and helping heal friends, loved ones and neighbors is our passion, and we’re honored to have the opportunity to serve you. From emergency services and heart care to orthopedics, advanced stroke treatment and more, we’re focused on providing you with expert care combined with a healthy dose of attentiveness and support.

Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. A community built on care.

  • For-profit or non-profit?
  • Size 199 Beds
  • Ownership Palb Beach Health Network
Surgical Type
  • Joint Replacement
  • Orthopedic Surgery

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